After recently giving a speech at an association event, an eminent dental surgeon approached me and asked about the business of professional speaking. He has given several lectures in his networks but wants to explore the possibility of expanding his reach with a unique message for a broader audience. He asked if I could give him any advice or guidance on how he might proceed.
As you may imagine, this wasn’t the first conversation of this type that I’ve had. I’m often asked for guidance by someone in the audience who desires to speak on a professional level. My response is always the same. “If you are serious about becoming a speaker or becoming a better speaker, join the National Speakers Association (NSA).”
The truth is that my association with NSA has taken me to the top of the speaking profession by providing information, education, knowledge, and contacts. And what is incredible is that fellow members are willing to share their experiences and expertise without hesitation. It is the only organization that I have ever been associated with where the culture of giving genuinely predominates.
Each year, the premier NSA event is called Influence, where a bevy of talented people from all walks of the speaking/consulting/coaching/writing professions converge to share their ideas, techniques, and systems to develop or hone your skills and show you how to make money doing it. This year’s event is in Nashville, TN, at the Gaylord Opryland and will take place July 9-11, 2022.
If you would like to find out more about it or sign up to go, click here.
As I close, let me make two points:
If you decide to follow up on this event, look me up because I’ll be there, learning more and making new contacts!
A Quote to Consider!
"All the great speakers were bad speakers at first.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson